Monday, December 6, 2010

        I realy dislike "In C by Terry Riley". It is very annoying and repeatful and it has no flow to it. It has no general beat to it that u can sing too and has no general melody that you can hum too. The music is also very vague and is just boring all together.
        When i hear it, it really makes me dissy because the same exact tune and sound and instruments play over and over and the changes are very gradual instead of sudden like modern music.

       Unlike Rileys piece I really like "Phillip Glass". The piano playing is soft and it flows and the music is bearable to listen to and it calms you down in a sence. It doenst exactly have a melody that you can hum to, but it has a pretty good beat to it and it flows.
       Alos the changes happen right there in front of you whether it is higher or lower notes and its not this long gradual change that has no meaning to it. Also i like how the piano is the main instrument since the piano is one of my favorite instruments.