Thursday, October 28, 2010

The Italian composer Arcangelo Corelli was born in Fusignano, Italy in 1653 a whole generation before Bach or Handel. He studied in Bologna, a distinguished musical center then later established himself in Rome in the 1670s.

You could say he was a little bit of everything. He was a violinist, composer, and a teacher. Thanks to his skill on the new instrument the violin, its popularity boomed throughout Europe. In addition he was the first person to organize the basic elements of violin technique. Because of his strong influence he had no trouble obtaining the titles “ Founder of Modern Violin Technique”, “ The Worlds’ first great violinist”, and “The father of the concerto Grosso.”

I like the piece of music I selected because I think it is very soothing to the soul and calms u down. It seems that Corelli is a peaceful kind of guy according to the sound of his music and just likes to enjoy himself.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

music app. salah

Hildegrad of Bingen, or also known as Saint Hildegard, and Sibyl of the Rhine, was a Christian mystic, German abbess, visionary, and polymath. Elected a magistra by her fellow nuns in 1136, she founded the monasteries of Rupertsburg in 1150 and Eibingen in 1165. One of her works as a composer, the Ordo Virtum, is an early example of Liturgical drama. Bendictine.

Michael Praetorius was a German composer, organist, and writer about music. He was one of the most versatile composers of his age, being particularly significant in the development of musical forms based on Protestant hymns.

The 1st piece of music with the single voice of a lady singing is older than the piece where there are multiple instruments playing. It only has 1 person singing which was common during that time and what is unique is its a women's voice. Its a very soft and relaxing piece to listen to.

The second piece on the other is hand is much ore complex. It has multiple instruments playing in it, it has a very fluid side to it, and is very joyful to listen to it. Its much more faster than the 1 st piece with the lady dinging all alone.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

It is pretty cool how this woman can play music even though she is deaf. It teaches us that to play music you dont have to be able to hear. Music can be interpreted through your whole body including you hands and feet and head and legs.
Personally even though I can feel atual vibrations through my body when music is played, I dont think I would be able to play music and listen to music the way that this woman does and interpret iut through her body parts. I think it would be quite hard.

Friday, October 1, 2010

The second review down

I think the person that is writing this review is wrong. In this review the reviewer keeps saying how all of the songs on Rock Band are from bands that no one has heard of. I have the game, and almost all the songs are from famous bands.

The reviewer also says that songs suck when he is asked what’s not so good about the game. The songs don’t suck. Most of the songs on there have a good beat and there fun to play. I think the reviewer just has bad taste and he’s bias towards the game.