Thursday, October 28, 2010

The Italian composer Arcangelo Corelli was born in Fusignano, Italy in 1653 a whole generation before Bach or Handel. He studied in Bologna, a distinguished musical center then later established himself in Rome in the 1670s.

You could say he was a little bit of everything. He was a violinist, composer, and a teacher. Thanks to his skill on the new instrument the violin, its popularity boomed throughout Europe. In addition he was the first person to organize the basic elements of violin technique. Because of his strong influence he had no trouble obtaining the titles “ Founder of Modern Violin Technique”, “ The Worlds’ first great violinist”, and “The father of the concerto Grosso.”

I like the piece of music I selected because I think it is very soothing to the soul and calms u down. It seems that Corelli is a peaceful kind of guy according to the sound of his music and just likes to enjoy himself.

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